Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
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Farm Happenings for April 11, 2020

Posted on April 9th, 2020 by Sarah Brown

Hello Farm Friends!

This week finds us in the "hunger gap" of the farming season, a short span that usually appears between March and April, when the early Spring crops are just beginning to pop, while the overwintered stalwarts are losing steam or going to seed. As farmers looking to improve from year to year, learning to fill the hunger gap with bountiful fresh greens and storage crops is a #lifegoal of ours. And of course, as with most things in farming, it's 20% planning, 140% luck, 40% persistence. (we use a 200% scale because that's usually what it takes around here!). 

Needless to say, the pickings are slim. So slim, in fact, that I'm hesitant to offer anything at all. In a finite world with finite time, creating equitable access to the farm and its products is an ongoing challenge and practice (more on this later this week). But of course, it seems better to harvest and feed a few than to feed none. Our level of concern over scarcity during the "hunger gap" (perhaps this is not as hyperbolic as it once was, given the current situation), is only equaled by the level of gratitude we feel for your enthusiasm and support in this crazy time. We are (quite literally, and happily) overwhelmed by the surge of interest and demand for fresh, Organic local produce, and we are doing what we can to meet you there. Shortening the journey from the land to our collective plate has rarely felt as urgent, or as purposeful.

For all you Farm Stand subscribers, thank you for being engaged, and for being in touch. Please bear with us as the farm begins to flourish and bring forth its full bounty. One further note on production and produce outlets: Due to the amazing support for our main season CSA program (June - November), sign-ups are currently full for our Tuesday drop site. We've added 20 additional shares for pick-up on Saturdays, at our Farmer's Market booth. These are currently available for online sign-up. Please contact us directly if you have any questions.

And please know that this current "Farm Stand" format will also continue through the market season, though CSA members get priority over inventory selection. In any case, the Farm Stand option can act as a "pre-order" for market. Not knowing how long we're in for social distancing measures, we are currently planning to have a booth at market (beginning in May), but with VERY limited display, focusing mostly on pre-packed and pre-ordered boxes. We're making plans to be visible and to see your smiling faces, but to limit contact, speed up transactions, and eliminate potential exposure as much as possible.  

Please stay tuned, or feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns. We looooove hearing from all of you.


Conner + Sarah