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Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
Farm Happenings for June 1, 2021
Hello All;
It's busy! We're focused on beating the heat this week (shading the propagation house, getting ahead on watering, covering plants, harvesting lettuce, starting the day early (6:30!). This little heat wave is a bit of a test run for what's to come, and while it is cause for some stress an1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 25, 2021
Hey Friends!
This past week the crew was required to endure me saying over and over again, "I think we're turning the corner on Spring!". This was less of an empirical observation than it was completely wishful thinking - like if I said it often enough and loud enough, it would be true. The farm is1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 18, 2021
Hello Farm Friends!
We are in the full swing of Spring. There are lettuces and hardy greens galore. The first carrots and beets are popping, as well as a flush of flowers on the peas. We seeded melons last week, and winter squash this week. The early zucchini are showing and the basil needs its fir1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 13, 2021
Hello Farm Friends!
This is a note to let you all know that we are offering a customizable Farm Stand share for On-farm pick-up this week. The weather has been warm and the fields are popping! Click here to snag a one-time share for tomorrow.
AND, we'll be offering a short four week Spring CSA shar1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 4, 2021
Hello Farm Friends!
It's been so nice seeing many of you at the winter market over the past couple of months. Usually this time of year finds us greasing the gears with great anticipation for a busy summer season...but this year, it feels like the train has already left the station at full steam, a1 read more »