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Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
Farm Happenings for October 1, 2019
Hi Farm Friends,
It's interesting to observe how fall is the complete inverse of spring. In the spring we wait and watch for dry ground and warmth so that we can get out in the ground as soon as possible. In the fall cool weather and rain has us hustling to get xy&z out of the field and sensiti1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 24, 2019
Hello Friends!
As the light turns to dark on this equinox, the farm is also in full transition to a quieter time. Plenty more work awaits us in the fields and the barn, but the rush of endless fruits and the race against the sun has transformed into a patient labor of filling the larder and prepari1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 17, 2019
Hi Friends,
I'm back! I was in Baltimore all week for a natural foods convention. It was INTENSE and it felt so good to step back onto the farm last night. It was made extra delicious by the fact that I returned home to an amazing stew that Conner had made with lamb shoulder, 1.5 lbs of Jimmy Narde1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 10, 2019
Oh these sweet fall days! They come with such a mix of emotions. The cool nights, the gradual ebb of cucurbit abundance (except melons!), and the pepper onslaught.
Mark your calendars for 9/29 11-4pm. We'll be serving lunch, dancing to music, and enjoying some fun farm activities. We hope you1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 3, 2019
Hi Farm Friends,
I'm canning away! Are you? Nows the time to make tomato sauce and freeze or preserve it for the winter. My preferred way, after many variations and experiments, is to roast halved tomatoes in the oven and then take them out, peel the skins off, put in a pot to boil, and water bath1 read more »