Hello Everyone!
We've recently taken a brief communication sabbatical as we rest, recreate and slowly grind the wheels into motion for next season. There's a lot of dreaming and planning and hand wringing happening over here, but the sun is out today and Spring is neigh...so here's a quick email update.
We're in the midst of updating our website, switching email platforms, and launching an expanded, more streamlined, farm-centric online marketplace (goodbye Harvie). Please be on the lookout for another update and a more detailed introduction to the 2022 season. Don't worry!...for CSA members, customizable CSA shares will continue to be an option, and there will be more opportunity to order all sorts of goods on a weekly basis for anyone in our network. Here's to greater resiliency within a vibrant, diverse and ecologically-centered regional food system.
Spring/Summer/Fall 2022, we will again be attending the Silverton Farmer's Market and offering a 20 week CSA program, mid June through Mid November. An official sign-up communique is forthcoming, but in the meantime, please email us (info@digginrootsfarm.com) if you are interested in participating again this year. We'd love to hear from you, and it'll give us a chance to gauge interest as we finalize the new platform.
Thank you to everyone who continues to brave the weather and the busy holiday season to attend the winter farmer's market. Adam is doing an incredible job holding down the booth, and it's such a pleasure to have some fresh greens and hearty bulk items available through these dark winter months. Every meal with fresh produce feels like medicine this time of year. For winter market: We will attend the next two Saturdays in January (22nd, 29th), and then take some time off to begin seeding and prepping in February! The rubber hasn't quite met the road, but the wheels are turning.
For the next two weeks, we will make bulk ordering available to Farm Stand members. Place your order here before 5pm on Friday, and you can pick up a box of goodies On-Farm or at Farmer's market on Saturday, between 10am-Noon. This is the last opportunity to purchase bulk quantities of potatoes, beets, onions, and winter squash at wholesale prices. We love bringing these to market every week, but if you have a dark, cool spot to store a larger box or bag of pantry items, this is a great opportunity to snag a few weeks' worth of dense winter food (gotta make it through February!). Everything except winter squash will be bagged in 5# mesh bags, and priced at 2#/lb. The Winter Squash is holding and sweetening beautifully. We still have lots of Spaghetti and Sonca Orange Butternut available.
We hope you all are finding some time to bask in these brief sunny moments, and that your health and happiness are getting the attention they deserve. This has been a challenging winter for us on many fronts, but the simmering of Spring's inevitable abundance keeps us feeling inspired. And the land is always asking us to be engaged and adaptable with each new season - the mantra for this season will be "do less, more artfully." Please stay tuned for more on the big changes and projects of 2022!
We appreciate you all very much. Thank you for being here.
Conner + Sarah + Wendell (9) + Sylas (3)

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