Dear Farm Friends,
We hope this finds you well. I recently shared this photo on social media with the following caption- 'There is so much good in my life. This picture feels like it captures so much of it- my badass farmer partner, my 'knows what he wants' toddler, my independent and hard-to-pin-down 6yo, the troublesome pup, and precious land. I’m going to be real. Shit has not been easy but it's still been beautiful in all it's difficulty and imperfection.'
Upon reflection I feel the need to clarify. 'Not easy' is so relative. To own land is such a privilege. To have been born in this country with fair skin has gifted us so much ease.
In a recent Portland demonstration by Extinction Rebellion they shared the following statement:
"Extinction Rebellion PDX calls on all to recognize that climate justice and immigration justice are intertwined. As capitalism has exacted a devastating toll on the global south through the exploitation of both its labor and its natural resources, so does it seek again to shut the gates against those brothers and sisters it has left least prepared to deal with the ravages of climate change.
As we fight for a transition to a post-carbon society, we recognize our duty to ensure that this is a just transition, that prioritizes the most vulnerable people who have been on the receiving end of years of environmental injustice, both here and around the world."
We think about justice daily on the farm. Who was the Molala tribe that stewarded this land far before us? What does fair wage look like on our farm and how do we make it a reality? How do we make this little family farm financially viable while staying regenerative to people and planet? How can we create a larger tent to make this food and connection to land more accessible? What does land ownership really mean and what responsibilities do we carry with it?
It's a lot of big stuff. Restoring the Earth has always been at the root of why we farm. As we learn we realize that restoration of our planet will only be possible if we heal ourselves.
I can get completely overwhelmed with all of this stuff- to the point where it's paralyzing. I take comfort in knowing we have such a loving community of people surrounding us. We are all making change every day. Every positive action we take has a ripple effect. This farm can offer a lot and that is only possible because it is supported by you.
Don't forget to make your calendar for our harvest party on Sept. 29th. Joy is medicine.
With love,
Sarah + Conner