Dear Farm Friends,
Forgive us for the lack of communication.
Last week I wrote up a whole note and then the computer died and I lost it all. I swore I'd get back to it but never did. This week Conner was able to take a few days away with friends and it totally slipped my mind I was so market focused.
What's been going on here?! All sorts of stuff.
We got the first planting of industrial hemp out of the field. This was a new crop and grand experiment for us. We feel super lucky to be working with Whole Circle Farm on getting it out into the world. They are lovely local people. Learning a new crop has been exciting and challenging. Overall I think we've enjoyed having something new and different to learn with.
We have more pigs on the farm than we've ever had. They are being fed leftover bread from our friend Dan's bakery- Silver Falls Bread Co. and we soak it in goat whey from our neighbors. They also get all the unmarketable produce. These pigs east well! We'll have them processed at Revel Meats in Canby. They are an awesome new shop run by Portland chefs. Their sausage and bacon is out of this world. Please let us know if you're interested in buying a whole or half animal this winter. There will be plenty.
Right now we're basically harvesting, harvesting, harvesting and making sure everything has water. It's the later summer gig. Corn is on and the melons are inching their way to ripeness. I'm hoping we have enough next week. Peppers are in full swing. Jimmy Nardello peppers are one of our favorite crops on the farm. They have a very loyal following at market. They are great grilled whole and eaten as a side or on burgers. More often than not we stir fry them with sweet onions and then add greens or zucchini or eggplant or fennel or .... and eat them with eggs or potatoes or burritos or pasta or .... Do not pass them up! In a few weeks we should have extras to grill and freeze for winter. This is the week for CORN. It may be the only week. There should be enough if you'd like to get extra for freezing as well.
Make sure to check out the add-ons. We have basil for pesto, carrots for juicing, and tomatoes for roasting, saucing, and freezing.
With gratitude and love,
Sarah + Conner