Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
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Farm Happenings for November 3, 2020

Posted on November 1st, 2020 by Sarah Brown

Hello Farm Family;

The end is nigh! As we all endure the political storm of this coming week, let us remember to take care of ourselves. Sleep, eat well, limit social media time, hug your family, stare at the moon, relish the goodness in your neighbors and friends. The divisions between us are awake and writhing, but really we are all born of innocence into a complicated world. This earth is our collective cradle and though it's hard to feel the closeness of our human family above the divisive fear and pain and snarling, I have to remember that most people want the same things; to feel safe, to feel loved, to feel purposeful, to feel nourished in body and soul. Our country is sick with fear, of the "other", of the unknown and unknowable, of sacrifice and scarcity. This fear is rooted deep in our bones and it stunts our ability to see the humility, the fragility, and the grace of our humanity. There is nowhere for any of us to go but inward to a more peaceful, more rooted, more resourceful, more connected place. The alternative is not an option I choose to explore. There are no worthy tools derived from hatred.

Of course this is all easier said than done, and of course there is sometimes hopelessness and fury in our hearts and lives. We should not tolerate injustice to preserve a false peace. To be sure, there are some tumultuous times ahead. 2020 has been an unparalleled exercise in reflection, patience, resilience, and optimism....and WE are white, privileged, and fortunate. It goes without saying, but it must be said anyway, that this year has been unimaginably devastating for so many who live without the systemic shield of privilege, citizenship, and whiteness. We must continue to dismantle ourselves, and we will continue to reach for a more equitable future.

You all are with us this week, in food and in heart. Fear will not win.

As for the CSA, we have a couple important notes for the week:

1) This will be your second to last share! The schedule originally took us into the week before Thanksgiving, but due to the shortages this Fall, as well as a decision to honor the energy and needs of our family, we are going to end the CSA a week early.  All of your accounts will be credited for the final share, and do not despair....we will still be at winter market on Sat the 21st. Though the field crops and greenhouses are waning, we have a beautiful stock of winter squash, onions, shallots, ginger and potatoes this year- as well as meat. We'll be making those available for bulk order and we can recommend some simple, easy storage tips to keep you well procured through the holidays.

2) We are partnering with our good friends at Farm Di'Ici this week to bring you some sweet fall carrots. As I mentioned previously, the deer and voles pretty much decimated our fall root production during the evacuation, but we can't go without at least one week of carrots! Noemie and Sam run a beautiful, intensive, certified organic operation in Canby, and we are so grateful for their support and partnership. We've helped Noemie with onions, peppers, and ginger this year. It's so good to collaborate with farm friends!

There is so much gratitude to express for your participation this season. So many feelings about the impact and potential of this relationship to our food system and to our earth. There are many more thoughts to express, but I'll save them for a later email. In the meantime, I just want to say thank you for your understanding and patience this season. We hope you feel satisfied with the food, and fulfilled by your commitment to the farm. We understand that none of this works, nor does it mean anything, without your belief, your trust, and your contentment. We've experienced some challenges this season (perhaps more than to be expected), we've had to adapt quickly and often, but you are still here, and we want to do everything possible to keep you around long into the future. As the main CSA season comes to a close, please take some time to consider your relationship to the farm and how it could be more enriching, more meaningful, more satisfying. We will be sending out an end of year survey, and it is a gift to receive honest, thoughtful feedback from our members. It is perhaps the greatest gift we can receive, because it offers us a chance to do more of what you need, to evolve in a way that respects and strengthens your commitment. 

Ok, enough for now.

With Gratitude,

Conner + Sarah