Hi Farm Friends,
It's interesting to observe how fall is the complete inverse of spring. In the spring we wait and watch for dry ground and warmth so that we can get out in the ground as soon as possible. In the fall cool weather and rain has us hustling to get xy&z out of the field and sensitive crops covered. In the spring we're itching to get outside and harvest every little bit possible, basking in the sun and sweet tender greens. In the fall we're itching to come inside and huddle with tea and books and fires and family. In fall the road ahead is a list of potential projects with empty promises of the 'off season' and time in abundance. In spring the tasks ahead are all spelled out- till, plant, weed, water, and the road ahead is clearly dictated with no room for wiggle or detours.
We LOVE the fall. It is the culmination of a season's work and love and dizzying awareness and intention. There is just barely enough time to enjoy and celebrate these gifts. And we're so looking forward to doing that tomorrow! If you haven't RSVP'd and would like to come- please do! Just being a picnic or a full belly.
On the farm this week we hustled to get the last of the onions and shallots out of the field and stored away from the looming frost. We harvested the winter squash so that it can begin curing and sweetening. We chase piglets back into pens. We did mushroom walk adventures. We watched baby turnips and fall greens pop up in their greenhouse beds. We drank tea. We remembered how cold feels. We tried to pick up our backyard....
As the season's change, so do out pallets. Soups and heartiness, vitamin rich greens and roots, all beckon to be cooked with a celebration of what local agriculture an look like. We're so lucky to live where we do. Where we can stretch the land's abundance just a bit further. Be a squirrel. Load up on this stuff for winter. We're filling our freezers with chopped raw sweet peppers, pesto (of all flavors and herbs), roasted tomatoes, cooked greens frozen in usable portions, salted eggplant, zucchini soup, etc. We're not ready to say goodbye just yet!
With love and thanks,
Sarah and Conner