Good morning!
I awoke today feeling excited to explore the land and walk the fields after this recent heavy rain. The creek is singing again, the birds are busy, the ground is soft and alive. The trees are glistening and fragrant. There are apples and plums to harvest, freshly washed of summer dust and sugars. There are potatoes to dig from soft soil and hot peppers to gather and hang. We are busily storing summer's flavors and heat, like medicine for our future lives in rainy darkness. How many of the tomatoes are split? Will the winter squash vines finally succomb to mildew? Where will the new gopher mounds be found? They, like us, are busy collecting and preparing for a long winter, making urgent forays into our fields for sweet tubers and roots. This week marks the official beginning of Autumn, the dark coming into quick balance with the light. We begin building fires for warmth and turning our attention to some long-neglected nesting projects - there are doors to fix, walls to paint, closets to organize and purge. It feels good to welcome shorter days and embrace an energetic equinox - one where we nestle into our space, relishing the quiet and the sweet luxury of shelter and heat and warm water. And vibrant, fresh food. There is still so much to enjoy, so much to gather and share. What a life we live! Please grab some extras if you are in the mood for preserving the summer this week. Thank you, as always, for eating with us, and for supporting an agriculture that is rooted in gratitude for the only Earth we'll ever have.
With Love,
Conner + Sarah