Farm Happenings at DragSmith Farms
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Farm Share Week 18

Posted on October 18th, 2020 by Gail and Maurice Smith

Hello everyone.  This past week of harvesting was interesting to say the least.  We were introduced to fall in it's full glory.  Sunshine, wind, clouds, cool temperatures, frost, rain, sleet and finally snow.  As you can see by the photo above, all the weather drama ended in a gloriously bright and colorful double rainbow displayed above the field we were working feverously in.  We shoved all the squash pallets into our new kitchen area covered them and turned a heater on to keep them from freezing.  Fall is so challenging.  Next we managed to place a pallet of snow covered cabbage inside as well.

Credit definitely goes to the hard working "Produce Squad" this week.  All the turnips, daikon, purple, green, watermelon and black radishes are out of the ground, washed and in storage.  A big job.  They topped the brisk days off with harvesting about 400 pounds of Brussels sprouts as well.  WHOOP, WHOOP!!

Upcoming....the renew or not of the Early Winter Season farm share. It is Farm Share week 18 out of the 20 week program initially started for many of you. The sign up starts this Monday 10/19.  The program will last for 6 weeks. Any changes of location, frequency of delivery etc. can be done as well.  If you paid by check and are not on the auto-renew you can renew with the Harvie system with a credit card.  If you prefer to pay by check again, Gail can get you signed up.  Send a check to DragSmith Farms, 1346 16 1/2 Ave. Barron, WI  54812.  Send her a text message or call about your intensions at 715-418-1287.