Hello to everyone from DragSmith Farms. Greetings to your families and friends, neighbors and co-workers. It takes lots of us to make our lives whole, free and content. Content children in the eating of vegetables can be challenging for some. We can certainly give you a few tips on getting children to eat veggies. Maurice and Gail have 6-10 children depending on how you count the bio, adapted and treatment foster children that have never left their lives. People would always ask how we would get them to eat veggies. For one thing many were mal-nourished and craved good food. Take the sugar and processed food away was usually the first step. Next have them try everything at least 3 times. The most important part was involving them in the process of putting food on the table. Planning, picking out the veggie, learning how to chop, mix, measure. Teach kitchen safety. Teach to clean as you go so dishes aren't so overwhelming at the end. Even little ones can set the table. stir the pot. We always wanted our kids to go out of the house knowing how to do more than boil water or push a button on the microwave. Knowing there may be a bit of grumbling on the way is okay because someday you will be invited to a fabulous meal in their first apartment or will call for a recipe or better yet will be able to take a 3 or 4 generation photo in the kitchen with all working together.
Tomatoes are coming to the end of the season. We have not had many. Couldn't water them enough. The cherry types are great troopers and will produce a few until a killing frost. We have a grandson that is 20 years old that dislikes cherry tomatoes. Every year he is determined to like them, but, alas, it doesn't happen. He thinks they are so beautiful and doesn't understand why he doesn't like them!
As always have a great week. Come to the farm for a visit.