Greetings to all of our wonderful Farm Share participants. Please greet your families, friend and co-workers for us. We are inspired and grateful for each of you planning and eating with us this season. From all of us here at DragSmith Farms, we thank you for your continued support. Your purchase of organic vegetables, flowers and herbs contributes to a more sustainable, equitable and localized food supply and a diverse and abundant local ecology. Your efforts every day in supporting your local farms, and in your gardens build a more positive future.
Since we don't have children at home to take Halloween trick and treat photos of, we decided to share a photo of our Siberian Husky "puppy", Cooper, checking out his Halloween basket for treats. Hopefully, everyone had an enjoyable and safe time.
This will be the last of the 20-week journey for the Farm Share program. Seems remarkable that the season is ending already and at the same time so much has happened during the last 20 weeks in our world. Please place boxes to return at your drop site. You can email us directly with any additional requests or questions. Gail will continue to make pumpkin succulent topped centerpieces and hand tied door wreaths throughout the holiday seasons.
As always have a great week. We thank you for your support and for joining us in our pursuit of a greener and more nourishing world for all. Remember, you are always welcome to visit, and we can transform a greenhouse into a winter wonderland that is green for special occasions.