Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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[CSA Update] Welcome to week 5

Posted on August 23rd, 2019 by Ida DeFrancesco

It's been a quiet week on the farm, and we are clinging to summer as it feels like it just started! We count down weeks in our CSA - similar to counting down the weeks left of summer freedom. As kids, we explode into summer with excitement, and we throw our bookbags into the back of the closet - not to look at them again until the school days restart. As adults - how can we capture that excitement when our routines remain the same - or even get more complicated with the kids' summer schedules?

One of the methods I use to maintain that summer excitement is slowing down and enjoying my time in the kitchen. The summer is full of flavor — the meals in the summer focus on activities and how we spend our time in the sunshine. I'm not a chef or even a kitchen master. I work with real food, and I spend time in the kitchen instead of on the couch staring at my phone. The extra focus usually results in taking dinner at a slower pace and talking a bit more. That's a good mix for summer.

Week 5

On the logistics side of things, I want to follow up on the coolers folks leave out for us. You now have an idea of the size of the farm share box. When you leave out a cooler for your farm share, keep in mind that the share needs to be able to slip inside the cooler as packed. Coolers are extremely helpful when we have the hot summer days to protect eggs, milk, yogurt as well as the delicate veggies until you can prep and store them yourself. Have a look at your coolers this week.
Take care and enjoy your farm share!