Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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[CSA Update] Welcome to week 3

Posted on September 5th, 2024 by Ida DeFrancesco

Remembering 9/11: Strengthening Our Community through Connection and Local Food

The years pass quickly, and the summer always seems to fly by. Yet, this week, let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on September 11, 2001. I was packing tomatoes and listening to the news over the radio when the towers were hit.  I still remember the stillness, the shock, the anger—and the moments of unexpected connection. I recall expecting injured people to flood into New Haven, and how I sat at my local Red Cross chapter offering to do anything, even sweep floors. I remember being at a gas station when a tough-looking guy stepped out, and a spirited kid approached. Without a word, they exchanged a peace sign and a high-five—two strangers connecting, just like that. One community.

As we honor the memory of 9/11, I’m reminded of how important it is to keep building those connections. Listening to our neighbors, sharing our stories, checking in to see how each of us is doing. We are stronger when we live our lives together, rather than just walking our own paths in isolation.

Here on the farm, we are proud to do our part by providing locally grown food to fuel our community. It's about more than just healthy eating—it’s about strengthening the bonds that tie us together. And this week, as we reflect on resilience and remembrance, I encourage you to think of how every bite of local produce is a way to connect with your neighbors, support our shared land, and embrace a spirit of unity.

We are especially grateful for the veterans and active service members in our community. One of our employees recently returned from a multi-year deployment, and several of our CSA families have loved ones currently serving. Their sacrifices remind us of the importance of coming together, not just in times of crisis, but every day. By supporting local farms, we support each other.

So as you fill your baskets with the fruits of this season, take a moment to connect—with the land, with each other, and with the spirit of unity that makes us all stronger. Let's honor those we lost on 9/11 by continuing to build the resilient, compassionate community we know we can be.