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Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
[CSA Update] Welcome to week 4
Do you ever open the fridge and just wonder what to cook? Me to. Having the farm share on hand makes sure you have some good options - for meals and treats.
Sometimes cooking funks just happen! It could be because it's hot, again. Or because you are having people over. Or you are hungry - now.
Sur1 read more »
[CSA Update] Welcome to week 5
Thunderstorms are magical. The crackle and the smell in the air before the storm gets going is a great memory from childhood. Too much rain - well, that can be the nightmare side.In a garden, a big rainstorm can bring relief and bring damage. Tomato plants are typically loaded at this time of year1 read more »
[CSA Update] Welcome to week 5
Keep an eye out for updates as the storms may impact the harvests during our customization window. We will reach out by email if the crops need to be swapped out.
Thunderstorms are magical. The crackle and the smell in the air before the storm gets going is a great memory from childhood. Too much r1 read more »
[CSA Update] Welcome to week 6
August around our farm is filled with fields bursting at the seams, yards constantly in desperate need of mowing, simple dinners that avoid the heat in the kitchen, great temperatures (but wicked humidity), and those spurts of rain for which we are all grateful.
Iced coffee and tea are always brewi1 read more »
[CSA Update] Welcome to week 7
I am feeling good from my head, tomatoes.
I watched my son eat a tomato like most people eat apples. Just snacking out of hand. They are good eats.
Once tomato season starts, I always have a few on the counter. They go into so many recipes, and when they are perfectly ripe, they are delicious.My to1 read more »