Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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[CSA Update] Welcome to week 14

Posted on June 18th, 2021 by Ida DeFrancesco

As I stand in the middle of a greens field, I am surrounded by such beautiful vegetables! Most folks think of beauty in flowers, skies, forests, and water features. Instead, I see texture, pollinators, colors, and potential.

How many times have you looked at broccoli and said, "isn't it gorgeous"?

The fields are changing up a bit this week, so delight in some of the new flavors.

Kohlrabi is one of those crops that separates the returning members from the first-timers. So don't kick it out of your basket before you give it at least one try. The bulb keeps for weeks. Get some ideas and build up your courage - you can make something great.

I like to use kohlrabi in one of two ways. First, in a kohlrabi slaw - think of it like a cabbage-based coleslaw, but make it with kohlrabi, and you start to get the idea. It's quick and fantastic.

The second is when I have the makings for a pesto (basil, kale, scapes - lots of base options remember). Peel the outer skill off the bulb. I then slice up the kohlrabi like planks or like burger sections. Grill it until it is fork-tender and transfer it to a toasted bun. Add a dollop of fresh pesto and take a bite.

Summer squash (zucchini and yellow), broccoli, cauliflower, shelling peas, lettuce, strawberries, garlic scapes, kale, fennel, and the delicate squash flowers are picking this week.

This time last year, I was talking about high heat and drought. I plan for the good and the bad - I'm glad to see some of the weather that encourages more of the good.