Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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Behind the Scenes: How We Carefully Monitor and Maintain Our Crops

Posted on May 30th, 2024 by Ida DeFrancesco

Behind the Scenes: How We Carefully Monitor and Maintain Our Crops

Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at how we meticulously monitor and maintain our crops at Farmer Joe's Gardens. As we enter Week 17 of our farmer harvest program, the excitement for the upcoming harvest is palpable.

From the flowering peas to the potato fields requiring careful attention, our dedication to manual care and pest control ensures the freshest, healthiest produce for our CSA members. Join us on this journey as we delve into the intricate process of cultivating and curating each basket, tailored to provide an immersive farm-to-table experience for families in Connecticut.

Nurturing Our Crops: A Week in Review The Blossoming Pea Plants

This week, our pea plants are starting to flower, signaling that we could begin picking peas in just 2-3 weeks. The sight of blooming pea plants is always a promising one, indicating the abundance of sugar, snap, and snow peas soon to come.

Last week, many of our CSA members enjoyed the tender pea greens in their salads. However, as the plants flower, we must stop cutting the greens to allow the peas to mature fully. This transition is crucial for ensuring a great harvest.

Keep an eye on your basket for these delicious peas soon!

Vigilant Pest Control Measures

Our attention also focuses on the potato field, which is starting to flower. With flowering comes the need for vigilant pest control, particularly against potato beetles. We engage in manual removal methods to keep these pests at bay, ensuring they don't damage the crops.

Our team carefully inspects each of the 1,000-foot-long rows, removing beetles by hand. This method is labor-intensive but crucial for maintaining the health of our plants without relying on harmful chemicals. You can apply similar techniques in your garden for potato, tomato, and eggplant plants. Regularly check the undersides of leaves and remove any beetles you find. By taking these steps, you contribute to a healthier garden and a more sustainable environment.

The Joy of Harvest Pickup

Each week, we look forward to seeing the smiles on your faces as you pick up your harvest baskets. This week is no different, with new and returning members exchanging their baskets and sharing their excitement. It's a heartwarming sight to see families and individuals carrying their fresh produce back to their cars, ready to create delicious meals.

We encourage everyone to ask questions during pickup; our team is always eager to help and provide tips on how to make the most of your produce.

For those just starting, don't hesitate to reach out and get familiar with the process. Exchanging your basket weekly ensures you receive the freshest items tailored to your preferences.

We take pride in cultivating not just crops but a sense of community, bringing farm-to-table experiences directly to your home.