Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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[CSA Update] Welcome to week 10

Posted on July 18th, 2024 by Ida DeFrancesco

Sweet Corn Season Begins Picking: How We Grow and Protect Our Delicious Corn

Sweet corn season is finally here, and we couldn't be more excited to share the first harvest of our delicious corn with you! As we count down the weeks of our farming season, starting from 18, each week brings new joys and challenges.

We kick off with our peaches and cream sweet corn, with its vibrant yellow and white kernels, is a member favorite, and there's a lot that goes into growing and protecting it. From the meticulous weekly planting process to the ongoing battle of keeping birds out of our fields, every step is a labor of love.

The Journey of Sweet Corn

From Seed to Harvest

The journey of sweet corn from seed to harvest is a complex process that spans several months. It all begins with carefully selecting high-quality seeds, which we plant in well-prepared soil every week from April through July.

Each spring, as the soil warms, we sow the seeds in rows, ensuring they have ample space to grow. Over the next few weeks, the seeds germinate, and tiny green shoots break through the soil’s surface.

As the corn plants grow taller, they develop strong stalks and broad leaves, eventually forming tassels and ears. We expect about 1 ear per seed planted. Each kernel on the cob needs to be individually pollinated by the top of the plants by the air blowing or gravity catching on the way down to the tassles.

By mid-summer, the corn reaches full maturity, with plump, juicy kernels ready for harvest. This entire process requires lots of great weather, good soil, and dedication to ensure that each ear of corn is as delicious as possible.

Peaches and Cream: A Unique Treat

Bicolor corn, our variety is peaches and cream, offers a delightful visual and culinary experience. This variety features kernels that are both yellow and white, creating a striking contrast that hints at its unique flavor profile.

The yellow kernels are typically sweeter, while the white ones provide a creamy texture, resulting in a tasty blend that delights the palate.

Beyond its aesthetic and taste appeal, peaches and cream corn is also prized for its versatility in the kitchen. It can be enjoyed straight off the cob raw, grilled, boiled, or incorporated into a variety of dishes such as salads, salsas, and soups.

Corn is a favorite at family gatherings and community events, where it stands out as a symbol of summer’s bounty. As a local farmer, ensuring the highest quality of corn is a point of pride and a testament to our commitment to providing fresh, delicious produce.

Protecting Our Corn Fields

Keeping Birds at Bay

As the sun rises - so do the birds and the battle begins again. One of the biggest challenges we face in growing sweet corn is protecting it from birds. Birds are naturally attracted to the sweet, juicy kernels, and they can devastate entire rows of corn in a short period.

To combat this, we employ a combination of modern and traditional methods. High-tech laser systems are strategically placed around our fields to deter birds with their unpredictable beams of light. These lasers are safe for the birds but effectively keep them away without causing harm.

Additionally, we use recorded bird calls to create an environment that feels unsafe for them. These calls mimic the sounds of predators and birds in distress, encouraging the birds to stay clear of our fields.

This dual approach helps ensure that our corn remains untouched, allowing us to deliver the freshest and most delicious produce to our community.

Keeping Deer from Snacking

Deer pose another significant threat to our sweet corn fields. Bambi is cute - but when they bring a dozen graceful friends with them... these creatures can quickly become a cornfield's nemesis when they munch on young corn plants or ripened ears.

To protect our crops, we use a multi-layered strategy. Firstly, we install deer fencing around the perimeter of our fields. These fences are tall and sturdy, designed to prevent deer from jumping over or pushing through.

Additionally, we incorporate natural deterrents such as planting deer-resistant plants like garlic and marigolds around our corn. The strong scents of these plants help to keep deer from getting curious.

We also use motion-activated sprinklers that surprise and scare away deer when they approach.

By combining physical barriers with sensory deterrents, we create an environment that discourages deer from snacking on our sweet corn, ensuring that our harvest reaches your table in perfect condition.