Farm Happenings at Farmhouse Nashville
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Farm Happenings for May 21, 2024

Posted on May 18th, 2024 by Stephanie Bradshaw

Week 2 ~

We are thrilled that you are partnering with us this season!  Thank you for supporting and investing in our efforts to bring your family nutrient-dense produce, free from chemicals and pesticides!  We LOVE growing fruits and vegetables and knowing that our farming practices are nourishing your family.  It's a win-win!

As you know, farming is not an exact science and there will be times that our "guestimates" are a little short.  Please know that if we are short on something that is supposed to be in your share, we will make up for it with something else.  Also, our aim is to always pack your share exactly right...but we are human, so there will be errors from time to time.  This is not our desire, but we acknowledge that it can happen.  If something is missing in your share - and we didn't write on your label what we subbed in it's place, then please let us know so we can make it right.  Last week we had to do this on some of the labels since we did not have quite enough strawberries for everyone that ordered.  We subbed some of our Strawberry Freezer Jam.  Be sure and keep this in your fridge!!

The first few weeks of the CSA delivery process can be a time that we work out some kinks - logistically.  We have some new delivery drivers on our team.  If your share is late being delivered, doesn't show up at all, or if there is some other problem, just let us know...We will make it right.  Please know that we are a small organization and our promise is to always strive to do things with excellence. 

If you are picking up your share from one of our many pick up locations, please get to know your host.  Most of our hostesses have been with us for many, many years.  They are pros at this process.  Please strive to always pick up your share at the correct time.  Our host have lives too and are dedicated to being available during the pick up window.  If you are running late, please let them know!  We cannot hold shares overnight or past the pick up window.  If you can ask a friend or family member to pick up for you, please do!  Remember, you can put your share on hold by logging into your Harvie account, but you must do this 24 hrs in advance of your delivery. 

One of the many reasons that we are using the Harvie software is so that you can customize your share.  This isn't to say that you  will always get exactly what you want - but it is based on what you like!  In your Harvie account there is a tab labeled  Preferences.  This is how your share is built.  Harvie uses these preferences to decide what goes in your share each week, based on what we have to offer.  It's not perfect, but it is better than the way we did it in the past, which was to pack your share with the produce we had on hand and every box was pretty much the same.  This gives you the ability to opt out of things that you do not like.  Just know - if you opt out of a lot of things, this doesn't give much variety to your share.  We do grow a large variety of veggies....but we do not always have enough of everything at the same time.  When the broccoli starts coming in, we may have 125 shares that day and only 40 heads of broccoli.  Some produce comes in all at once and then others drip in slowly.  Please know that we are working hard on our end, but some of the amounts are completely out of our control.  If there is something that you are really wanting and it doesn't seem to ever make it into your share, please let us know!  We want you to receive the things you like, but again, we can be constrained to the algorithms of Harvie and to the ebb and flow of how produce matures and comes in.  There are many things that are out of our hands.  We are faithful to plant, but it truly is the Lord who brings the harvest!

If you are a pick up on Tuesdays, then you will receive an email on Saturday mornings to see your share and add on anything that might be available.  You will have until Sunday evening at 8PM to make these changes.   If you are a Thursday pick up, you will receive your customization email on Tuesday afternoon (around 2PM) and will have until Wednesday morning at 5AM to make any changes.  Please know that as the season progresses there will be more and more available.  

Your share will come in a wax coated cardboard veggie box.  We like to re-use these boxes as this saves us all money. Please do not leave your box outside or allow it to get torn up.  Please ask your host to show you how to break the box down so that you do not tear it.  Most of our CSA members bring their own container or bag to take their veggies home.  If you are home delivery, please leave a cooler out for us to put your veggies inside.  Bottom line, please take care of our boxes and help get them back to us!  :) 

Your Harvie account will have all the necessary information about your share, charges, location, dates, times and how to put a share on hold for vacation, etc.  If you still have questions, please email us at  We are happy to answer your questions and help!  If it is a delivery day (Tuesdays and Thursdays) please know that we do not have time on those days to answer emails immediately.  We are literally on the road from early morning to late evening.  If you have an immediate need those days, it's best to text or call Stephanie (615-693-2519). 

We ask that you give us grace if there are any mistakes or shortcomings and trust that we will make things right.  We also hope that you will recognize that we are not a grocery store.  We are families growing seasonal food.  We are constrained by weather, time and nature.  Sometimes we plant huge fields of produce and we have an absolute crop failure....too much moisture, not enough, disease, pestilence, and even human error.  We hope that you are here because you too are concerned about the state of our food supply.  You too are concerned about what is being put into and on our food.  You too are not sure you can trust that the government really has your best interest at heart.  We hope and pray that you are here to support us because we are growing against the grain of society and beckoning families to come along side us and know who is growing their food, how it's being grown and rest assured that we have a deep conviction to grow food that is nourishing and healthy.

We are thankful that you are here and look forward to a bountiful harvest this season!

Enjoy and God bless you!