Farm Happenings at Farmhouse Nashville
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Farm Happenings for June 4, 2024

Posted on June 1st, 2024 by Stephanie Bradshaw

Week 4 ~

We are a month in and it seems that every week our selection is changing.  This week we are excited to see new potatoes on the list and even some carrots, green beans and zucchini.  These items are just starting to come in - but look for more in the coming weeks!

The Lord has been so good to us this spring and provided lots of rain.  It's interesting how the rain affects certain strawberries, for instance.  Obviously, everything needs rain, but too much seems to dilute the taste of certain strawberries and even melons.  These fruits seem to prefer hot and dry conditions - or at least to produce the sweetest flavor! However, even with the rain, there is nothing quite so good as sun ripened strawberries  - or tomatoes!  More on those in the coming weeks!

Please remember that we do recycle our produce boxes.  This is one of the ways that we cut down on cost.  Please help us by returning your box each week -or leaving them out for us to pick up on your porch if we deliver to you.  

As we pack your share each week, we are thankful for your support and remain committed to ensuring that your family receives the very best from our farm! 

Have a wonderful first week of June, Friends!