As a member of our farm, you get the first taste of our very best. First cucumbers of the season, first zucchini, peppers and, yes, the first sweet corn! The first July sweet corn is exceptionally hard to grow, as the European corn borer and corn earworms are most pesky this time of year. Amazingly, this year's first harvests of corn have been practically worm free and exceptionally sweet and tasty. We hope you are enjoying it!
Above Photos: Our sweet corn fields right after morning thunderstorms.
At this time in July, we are right on the edge of all our high summer crops coming into the harvest, with tons of green tomatoes and tiny immature melons on the vine, both in the process of growing and ripening to perfection. This week, our green pepper patch is abundant with fruit and red peppers are right around the corner!
Above Photo: Baby muskmelon on the vine!
Although it's been an extremely wet and hot season so far, making it very difficult to keep up with weeding, spraying (organic and natural sprays of course!) cultivating and planting, we've managed to find windows of time to get most of the work done. We're happy to report that the crops are looking great, despite less than ideal conditions for things like tomatoes and peppers (which prefer hot and dry). Believe it or not, a lot of our fall plantings are already in the field and our famous Featherstone fall carrot is completely planted as of this week, with Ellen seeding the final rows of about 13 acres of carrots!
We'll continue in the next few weeks planting all our fall broccoli, kale, parsleys, cauliflower and cabbages. And we'll carry on in the height of the high summer harvest, providing you and yours with the best we have to offer this season!
Happy Eating,
Patty and the Featherstone Crew