Greetings CSA members!
After a whirlwind of a spring, life on the farm is finally arriving to some form of normalacy here at Featherstone. We're excited to be back into the full swing of the season. The hustle and bustle of tractors and trucks zipping around the field in some beautiful dance of organized chaos is music to my ears. Just the other day as Gerardo and Victor and their crews were out bunching broccoli with their mariachi music turned up to 11, Ellen and Jose were heading to the field with their cultivation setups to keep the fields clean and weed free, while teams of others were pounding posts for tomato trellising or scouting crops to be sure we are staying on top of crop management for maximum health and yield.
And the hard work is paying off with GREAT looking crops nearly without exception around the farm. We are still eagerly awaiting the last arrivals of our visa members from Guanajuato, who should be here just in time for sweet corn and tomato harvests! It's hard to believe the 4th of July is right around the corner...farming time flies!
As always we are abundantly grateful for your support of out farm. We would not be able to do what we do without the dedication from our CSA members. Although many of you live far away we feel that we are in it together, and your membership is what keeps us going. So, from all of us here at the farm THANK YOU!
Very Sincerely,
Nathan Manfull
Operations Supervisor
p.s. a couple of photos from last week's "packout" of your share:
Jack, Mira, Veranica and Ben on the line!
James, our warehouse coordinator, stacking the shares!
Jack, owner and operator of the farm, packing up the kohlrabi!