Farm Happenings at Harmony Farm
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Farm Happening Aug 1-3, 2024

Posted on July 26th, 2024 by Greg Stainton

Hello Everyone!

This is your friendly weekly reminder that the Farm Stand is open for orders from now until Monday at noon.   

We have had an exciting week on the farm.  Greg has been working on having the property re-graded to help with water management after we lost several crops during heavy rains last year.  Right now things look pretty muddy but we can already see a vision of dry garden beds surrounded by green meadows, a tree lined driveway and ponds filled with birds and frogs.

Our laying hens are back at work in the fruit tree orchard, thanks to Greg and Isaac cutting down all of the tall grass and weeds that had completely taken over.  The flock is diminished in size but some of our spring hatchlings are starting to lay some tiny little eggs so we may be able to offer eggs on the menu again soon.  Speaking of eggs, we are trying a little experiment with our quails.  Last month, we incubated some of the eggs and almost all of them hatched!  The little chicks are growing fast; I have heard that they start laying by 8 weeks so we could have more quail eggs on the menu soon too!

We have lots of new items coming up in the garden this week including caraflex cabbage, lemon cucumbers, arugula, chiogga beets, green peppers, sweet baby celery, sweet potato greens and some yellow summer squash mixed in with the green zucchini.  

We also have a bounty of tomatoes so you can expect to see some tomato-themed pizzas coming up at the market and at Friday at the Farm  (4-7 Friday evenings during the summer). 

For this week's recipes, I have included links to a variety of delicious tomato recipes (I want to try the Galette, Pico de Gallo, Gazpacho, Eggplant Caponata and Roasted Tomato Linguine) as well as my go-to Coleslaw recipe that I use with pretty much any crispy/crunchy veggie that I have(cabbage/kohlrabi/fennel/carrot etc) and a quick and easy Sweet Potato Greens recipe (if you have never tried them, you are in for a treat!).

interested in having a regular weekly or bi-weekly pick up or delivery?  We still have pay as you go Farm Shares available.  Sign up here:).


Wishing everyone a great week.

Your farmers, 

Kate and Greg.