Farm Happenings at Harmony Farm
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Farm Happening Aug 30, 2024

Posted on August 23rd, 2024 by Greg Stainton

Hello Members!

This is your friendly weekly reminder that your basket is available for customization from now until Monday at noon.  

You will notice a few changes in the store this week.  The endless rain has had quite an impact on our produce.  Some things are suffering and some things are bigger than we thought possible. 

This week, there are no tomatoes listed on the store while we give them a chance to recover.  Greg, Rea, Anthony and Ella have spent the week nurturing the plants and it looks like they will bounce back but they have had a pretty rough go and will appreciate a little break.  We are confident they will be back next week! 

The green onions on the other hand look like they are on steroids.  They are so big and we have so many of them that we are offering them at a discount price this week:).

The rain has also boosted a number of our fall crops.  Our fall brassicas and squashes are looking great.  I am already dreaming of some hearty soups and stews!

This week, we have our first beans of the season.  You will see a mix of yellow and green bush beans on the menu this week.  You can check out this link for some tips on preparing them and some awesome recipe ideas from Love and Lemons.   Our all time favourite pole beans are not far behind and should be ready for harvesting when the bush beans are done.  

This week we also received notice from Harvie Farms that they will no longer be offering a Farm Share service after this growing season.  We have already started meeting with other admin site providers.  We are excited about some of the options and will keep all of you posted on our progress and any upcoming changes.  Things we have most liked about Harvie is the ability for each member to customize what they receive and the ability to pay as you go.  On the other hand, we have found the site is not always user friendly and customer service is not as quick as we would like.  These are things we will be looking for in our new provider.  If you have feedback about what you would like to see with the new site provider, please let us know.  What works best for you is what will work best for us!

Wishing everyone a great week!

Your farmers, 

Kate and Greg.