Farm Happenings at Harmony Farm
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Farm Happening Sept 5-7

Posted on August 30th, 2024 by Greg Stainton

Hello members!  

This is your friendly weekly reminder that the farm stand is open for orders until Monday at noon.  

On our garden walk through today we noticed that we have taken some pretty serious damage from the unusually wet season.  Many of the brassicas that grew so fast in the rain have started to decay before heading up and the tomatoes are not quite ready for prime time again just yet.  We are hoping some of the crops will pull through; we will keep you posted.  The pumpkins, squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes all seem to be coming along well and the carrots and celery are loving all the moisture!  All this to say that there is a bit less veggie variety than we would like right now but good things are still coming! 

Strangely enough although the wet season has been hard on the crops, the weeds have been growing strong!  As an organic farm, our main line of defence is hand weeding.  It has been a daunting task so we are trying out some new ideas for prevention.  This week we bought 25 dump truck loads of wood chips and have started lining the aisles with wood chips to discourage weeds from growing between the rows (they also smell amazing and will likely be able to grow some king stropharia mushrooms!)

Our big news this week is the upcoming transition to a new admin site provider for your shares.  As you know, Harvie is closing shop by the end of this calendar year.  We have met with other providers and found a Canadian company (Local Line) that we feel will be a good fit and hope you will love.  We will finish this subscription season with Harvie but have already begun on-boarding with Local Line so that we can transition seamlessly into a winter growing season with pick up and delivery options starting in December 2024.  We will send updates on what to expect from the new interface through these news letters.  

In this week’s selections you will see LOTS of sweet peppers and some of our favourite Swiss chard.  I have included links to some recipes (highlighted above) that we love.  With the start of school coming up, I am also looking forward to some quick and delicious meals like pasta with brown butter and sage and falafel (Could be great with some Simply Leavened bread and hummus in a lunch box!)

Wishing everyone a great long weekend!

Your farmers,

Greg and Kate.