Farm Happenings at Harvie
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Farm Happenings at Harvie

The Harvie Take on the Fish Fry

Posted on February 23rd, 2022
2022 Pittsburgh Fish Fry lists are starting to drop. The modern fish fry originated from the pre-Easter holiday (Lent) that encourages participants to not eat meat on Fridays. Over the years, it has become a mid-western cultural staple that Pittsburgh restaurants love to put their own spi1 read more »

Oram’s Take on the Pączki

Posted on February 16th, 2022
It’s pączki season. This time of year, every bakery across town is competing to win the hearts and minds of Pittsburghers. What is a pączki? This Polish treat is similar to a jelly donut but made with a thicker dough and is fried longer. The traditional pączki is consumed on or before Fat Tue1 read more »

What does ‘fairness to farmers’ actually mean?

Posted on February 9th, 2022
“We’re not going to purchase whatever is new and shiny from [farmers] and then move on. We’re in it for the long haul.” - Rachel Dana, Equal Exchange. Equal Exchange is a Fair Trade company that works directly with small farmers across the globe. In an industry that is1 read more »

Mango, Pineapple, Ginger, Oh My!

Posted on February 2nd, 2022
Since we offered citrus fruit from Putt Family Farm, members have been asking for us to source other items we don’t grow in Western Pennsylvania: ginger, mangoes, bananas, avocados, pineapples, and more.This week, you’ll see we are starting to answer that call! You will find Mangoes, pi1 read more »