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Farm Happenings at Hawkins Family Farm
Chicken fried in pork lard
Few food combinations are as mouth-wateringly delightful as Hawkins Farm pastured chicken fried in Hawkins Farm pastured pork lard. Rather than the commercial white bird raised by the industrial companies and many small farmers, we raise red birds genetically selected for pasture, with plenty of ro1 read more »
Turkey Time
I find myself amused each year to watch a scenario unfold. As long as the autumn weather stays warm, we hear very little from people wanting to order their Thanksgiving turkeys. But let a couple of cold days come, and the inquiries and orders rush in. Rest assured that we are preparing well, no mat1 read more »
New Pullets on the Farm
A new flock of laying hens recently arrived on the farm. It won't be long before the young hens pictured here--called pullets--will be outdoors pecking seeds, scratching dirt, chasing bugs, and swallowing whole blades of grass. For a few days after they come to our farm, however, they remain inside1 read more »