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Farm Happenings at Hawkins Family Farm
Farm Happenings for November 19, 2022
Here we are, the FINAL week of the CSA season! (A reminder that deliveries will be on WEDNESDAY.) In this season of giving thanks, we are truly grateful for you, the community that supports our farm. We couldn't do it without you! We will be in touch soon with details about renewing your membership1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 12, 2022
With only TWO WEEKS left in our main CSA season, we are busy working on lots of end-of-season wrap-up projects, like preparing our garden beds for winter. One important task has been to establish cover crops: crops that we won't harvest but that serve a number of very important roles in the health1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 5, 2022
This week our farm team harvested over 1000 pounds of root vegetables on Tuesday alone! Getting them out of the ground is only the first step in preparing them for winter storage. They also have to be washed and put away in the cooler, which is no small task. Our walk-in cooler is about as full as1 read more »