Farm Happenings at Hayshaker Farm LLC
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Farm Happenings for May 1, 2020

Posted on April 27th, 2020 by Hayshaker Farm Admin

We continue to be so thankful and privileged to put together these boxes for you all. We are pulling in a few new crops now, as the overwintered greens say their goodbyes. Some radishes, turnips and the first spring planting of salad mix say hello this week. New garbanzo beans from WW Organics make their entrance as well. Spinach is likely on it's last week or two until our new planting comes ready. Recently we planted our zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes in one of our high tunnels. We can't wait to snack on those later this summer and I bet you all feel the same way :) Thank you everyone for your support, see you soon.
