Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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School is near!

Posted on August 2nd, 2024 by Lindy Clark



Welcome back to all of you who have been traveling, and have fun to those of you who are going out to travel this week! We've only got a couple weeks till school starts which we can't believe! Hopefully you're more ready than we are!


We're starting in to the season of plenty! We are starting to have a lot of peppers and we finally have enough tomatoes to put them in the CSA shares this week! We've still got a lot of garlic and onions, and the squashes are coming on, and the cucumbers are also coming on, but right now we don't have tons yet. We're starting into our second planting season! We're beginning plantings for the fall! We have a bunch of greens that have just gone in the ground, and we're going to be putting in beets, radishes, and some turnips and possibly more carrots in the next couple days!


We have a special opportunity for you this next week! We are going to have a Farm help day on the 8th! We'll be out here from 6-1 getting things done around the farm you can come anytime in that chunk of time. Anyone who is able to come out is welcome, we have things for all ages to help with and we would love to have families come out! We will be giving out $15 coupons that can be used towards your farm shares or towards anything in our booth at the farmers market. We love getting to know the people that we grow delicious food for, so even if you only have 30 min, please come out and say hi! We're looking forward to seeing you here!


We loving being out here on the farm! We're so glad that we get to be out here daily growing delicious food to share with yall!




Your farmers Ben and Lindy

