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Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
Basil Pesto is the BESTo!
One of our favorite late summer garden goodies is BASIL! So yummy! We love Caprese Salad, and, of course, classic Basil Pesto. SO good! We've got lots of basil to share with you this week so if you'd like to make your own, this is a great time to do it. We'll have a lot in t1 read more »
After teasing us for weeks with a few pounds here and there, the tomatoes have finally arrived! And in force!! Such a relief! So you can look forward to those this week in your shares! Peppers are finally ready for their own offering too. So in Summer Smorgasboard this week, you'l1 read more »
Getting ready for fall!
It was a busy, busy week this past week harvesting plus continuing our fall plantings. We're prepping and planting several areas of our garden for cover croppings to "rest" them... Since we've had such a bad pest and disease year, we know that that is one way to break the pest and disease cyc1 read more »
Worth the wait...
We're finally starting to get more and more tomatoes ripening! We have some big beautiful ones out there, we just need them to turn red! Haha! It's hard to guestimate exactly how many we'll have ripened so we'll put all we have in the Summer Smorgasboard. Also in the Sm1 read more »