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Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
Summer Week 13 - Sharing our Farm
This has been a fun week for many reasons. We have a camp site on our land through a site called Hip Camp, where people can come and camp at a makeshift campsite in our pasture area. We had some campers come last week and choose to stay a while. They're a nice couple traveling the country together1 read more »
Summer week 12: TOMATOES!!
We've got only 3 weeks left of our regular summer season and finally the tomatoes are here! We've got over 500 tomato plants out in the garden so we're anticipating a lot of tomatoes in the coming weeks!! If you haven't already signed up for our summer extended season (weekly for the whole month of1 read more »
Summer Week 11 Making good progress...
Howdy friends! Time is flying and it's already week 11 of our summer season. We have a number of new crops available this week and many more to look forward to in future weeks including tomatoes (we are so close!!), Green beans, eggplant and corn. Even as we're trying to do all we can t1 read more »