Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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End of the summer announcements!! Please read!

Posted on September 14th, 2024 by Lindy Clark

Hello all!!


It has been a wonderful summer!! It certainly feels like it's coming to a close! We're putting in our last of our fall plantings, and we're looking forward to a bit more of a relaxed schedule in the coming months!! Not to mention the kinder weather!


A couple important things for you to know!! First! If you would like to make a bulk order of any of the following, please let me know this Wednesday, or text/call me and let me know! We can provide extras of Tomatoes, hot peppers, or squash. If you would like seconds of tomatoes it will be less expensive. Unfortunately we are not able to do U-Pick this year, but we will have that available as an option next year!

Second! In October we'll be having our Early Bird Sale!!! :D ***IT WILL NOT BE ON THE HARVIE WEBSITE!!!*** The Harvie website is closing in December, we're currently looking into our options as to where we'll be moving our CSA! We WILL be continuing to farm and bringing you wholesome delicious food to feed to your families! We already have lots of plans for next year and we could not be more excited about it! More info will be coming next month as to where winter shares and next years shares will be available for purchase. If you're signed up for the fall shares, you will be able to continue using the Harvie website for all the fall shares! Let us know if you have any questions!


Last, but certainly not least! We have some special things on the list for this week! We will finally be able to offer Beets, turnips and Carrots!! We also have corn, and as a special treat, we have Strawberry, chocolate and tomato basil cheese! It is goat cheese, but speaking as someone who does not like goat cheese in the least, you literally can't tell! It is so delicious! We also have Apple sauce and Peach syrup on the list this week!! It's going to be a good week!


We hope that everyone is well, and has a wonderful week planned!


See you soon!


Your farmers, Ben and Lindy Clark

