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Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
Summer Week #12 - The year of the cucumber!
It's week #12 already and only 3 weeks left of our summer season. And we have deemed this year 'The Year of the Cucumber.' Every year we seem to have crops that thrive and do very well, and also crops that don't, like our cabbage this year... sigh... but if you and your family like cucu1 read more »
Summer Week#11
We love life on the Farm!! It's busy, busy this time of year, but we still must say that farm life is the best life. ❤️ read more »
Summer Week #10 - Our friends, the frogs.
We've happily noticed a plethora of frogs and toads around the garden lately - more so than in past seasons, it seems - and we even found a little garter snake the other day slithering down through one of the sprinkler beds! Why all the excitement? Because frogs, toads, and yes, even sn1 read more »
Summer Week #9 - Hot days, yet beautiful mornings!
In case you haven't noticed, it's hot! That's why we're up and out as early as we can be. And we are always very richly rewarded for doing so. I love waking up early, while it's still dark, and watching as slowly the sky begins to lighten with the first light of day. Be1 read more »
Summer Week #8 - Salsa Season!
With more and more tomatoes ripening everyday, it's one of our favorite seasons of the year - Salsa Season! This week we have a Salsa Pack offering with all the fixings you'll need to make a batch or two or fresh salsa: tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, onions, and cilantro. And the1 read more »
Summer Week #7
In the midst of all our excitement over our summer favorites ripening in the garden, we're looking ahead and getting ready for fall. Cool weather crops such as these lettuces have germinated and will be planted in the garden for this fall over the weekend. We're grateful that the temps1 read more »
Summer Week #6
The garlic harvest is in! Garlic is so fun to grow!! Although it stays in the ground for almost 8 months... read more »
Here we roll! Summer Week #5
Now it's really getting exciting! More and more crops are ripening each week with more on deck soon. This week we have a number of new offerings including kohlrabi, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, and basil. And this is just the beginning! And hopefully, all this hot weath1 read more »
Summer Week #4
We've been deep in the tomato trenches, trellising and making sure we can get to all the juicy tomatoes once they've ripened. We're filthy when we're done, but it's very delicious smelling work. read more »