What an unusual time we find ourselves in right now.....we've had more interest in buying food from our farm in recent weeks than ever before. It's a good problem to have but stressful nonetheless since providing for our regular customers is our number one priority. We are a small farm and can only produce so much, and we want to make sure the folks that have supported us in the past (or for new members, at least who joined the CSA before the panic set it) are fed well! It's a responsibility we don't take lightly and would love to provide for anyone looking for fresh, tasty food right now, but its just not possible at our scale. So if you have friends looking for local produce, please don't send them to us, haha!
The CSA is a good way for us to allocate who gets what: you fine folks that gave us your commitment and money up front when cash flow is low for us remain our priority! For example, we should have just enough strawberries for members to get a pint this week. Few or possibly none will be sold through the new online store that's taken the place of our On Farm Market. Hopefully they'll be more plentiful in coming weeks so you can get additional if you want.
We still have plants available in the online store so if you would like to purchase any and have them delivered with your share, please send me an email indicating you've placed a plant order but would like it delivered with your veggies. Please ONLY go through THIS site, Harvie, to purchase extra produce to be included with your share. The online store orders are for pickup at the farm ONLY on Wednesday mornings and will be kept here seperately. That goes for swaps and purchasing extras as well: Please do it through Harvie instead of emailing or texting an order. I absolutely cannot keep up with orders unless they come through the system at this point. Keeping track of all our inventory online and packing every order has taken up a massive amount of time, so we are trying to keep things as manageable as possible.
At pickup, please be patient, it may take a bit longer to get your share to you in order to keep distance between customers. Remember to keep 6 feet between yourself and other customers.
We are not taking back any containers at this time including egg cartons and microgreen containers.