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Farm Happenings at Jenny Jack Farm
Farm Happenings for October 29th, 2021
As organic growers, we strive to feed the soil instead of only the plants. If the soil is healthy, plants have a better chance of thriving. Part of that process on our farm is giving the soil a rest from cash crops occassionally so that we can grow cover crops. These are crops like clover, oats, bu1 read more »
Hold off on eating this week's taters
Because of all the rain this month, we were delayed in getting the rest of our sweet potatoes out of the ground. Luckily we had only a few that rotted in the wet ground. At the end of this week it was finally dry enough to get in there to pull the treasures out of the ground. However, by the time w1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 11, 2021
Amos loves to pretend he's in charge of the place! He turned one year old a few weeks ago and he loves crawling through the mud and "driving" the tractors. He's even working on walking upright sometimes now. read more »