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Farm Happenings at Jenny Jack Farm
Farm Happenings for August 16, 2022
This week is the last delivery of the summer season. We will take a few weeks off CSA to enjoy a slower pace and focus on getting our fall crops in the ground. Last week we seeded carrots and planted heaps of Asian greens like Pak Choi plus lettuces. Planting out kale, collards, turnips, radishes,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 12, 2022
This week is the last delivery of the summer season. We will take a few weeks off CSA to enjoy a slower pace and focus on getting our fall crops in the ground. Today we seeded carrots and planted heaps of Asian greens like Pak Choi and lettuces. Planting out kale, collards, turnips, radishes, chard1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 5th
As summer winds down we are reflecting on the season. Overall its been a good one, but also strange in some ways. For the first time ever, we were not able to coax an okra crop. Nematodes have found our farm and they destroy okra plants. For the past few years we've been able to get abundant harves1 read more »