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Farm Happenings at Jenny Jack Farm
Farm Happenings for June 26, 2020
Hoping to have one more week of blueberries on the list next week before they're gone but we just don't have enough labor right now to get them picked for this week.
I know Harvie gives recipe suggestions but I wanted to share a method for using leftovers that we really love. Its so easy to incorpo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 19, 2020
The first 1000 of the two thousand sweet potato plants we grow are in. Next week we hope to get the second round planted. Sweet potatoes are one of our favorites to grow, eat and harvest! They're relatively low maintenance up until the harvest, which is super time consuming and heavy work. They are1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 12, 2020
Our garlic crop is harvested and hanging which is a huge project! Over 2500 bulbs are pulled from the ground, stacked on a trailer and brought inside to be tied up in bundles and hung on the rafters of our tractor barn. It takes a couple of weeks of warm dry conditions for the garlic to cure proper1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 5, 2020
They're later than usual, we guess due to colder than normal temps we've had this spring, but tomatoes are coming next week! Blueberries are here this week though, hurray! read more »