Gorgeous Rainbow over the farm last week!
This is the last share of the summer! We would usually take a few weeks off between seasons to rest, get fall planting done, and wait for the fall crops to start coming in. This year we're taking a few additional weeks off CSA this summer/early fall for a few reasons:
1) Baby boy will be here mid to late September. This is usually when we would start back up with CSA but we don't want to get caught with navigating farm life with a newborn and a toddler all while balancing packing orders and making deliveries, so we've decided to wait till he's at least a week old before jumping back into things at full throttle.
2) We are adding a lot of fruit around the farm this fall! More figs, blueberries and a lot more elderberry. These will be get planted in Oct/Nov but will start preparing the ground and getting irrigation in place in September.
3) Chris will be building more high tunnels. We save a heap of money by him constructing these structures but it takes a lot of time.
How to secure your spot for fall:
First of all, we are only offering CSA shares for LaGrange and Columbus for the fall season.
On Farm and Auburn members, we hope you'll shop through our Online Store, which is open for ordering every Saturday-Tuesday through mid December and orders are picked up at the farm on Wednesdays, just like CSA.
If you are a LaGrange or Columbus member read on.......your share will auto renew for the fall season on August 20th unless you choose for it not to. The fall season will last for 7 weeks, October- November, ending the week before Thanksgiving. You'll get a separate email this week with details including pricing and exact dates.
Don’t want to participate in the fall season?
To opt out of auto renew or change your payment options
- Log into your Harvie account here → My Profile → Auto Renew Settings
- Update your auto renew settings
Once your order has been completed and your card has been charged, you will receive a “Welcome Back” email series that will provide you with reminders about how to use your Harvie account.
What if I need to change my share size, add on share, etc.?
No problem, let us know and we can make the change for you or you can make changes to your order during the grace period (August 20th-August 27nd) by logging into your account.
What if I don’t want the next season but want to participate in the future?
Just login and uncheck the auto renew box. When you are ready to join us again, just sign up as you normally would. You’ll still have an account with us!
Why are you doing auto renew vs. traditional sign up method?
Auto renew is done as a courtesy to you. Simply “set it and forget it” and continue to get farm-fresh produce from us season to season without missing a delivery. You no longer have to remember to sign up every season. This also ensures your spot gets saved before sign up opens to the general public!
Please let us know if you have any questions.
We appreciate your support of our small family farm and hope you've been nourished and enjoyed the harvest this season!
- Jenny, Chris, Tulsi Jackson and crew: Wanda, Lesley, Miranda, Cristian, Ian, Jenn and Shannon.