Pest management is a big job on our farm. There are so many insects (and birds) that eat the same things we love to eat. Of course there are a few reasons we don't want to spray chemicals that could easily wipe them out: a) We don't want to contaminate food with something that could have long term effects for those eating it and b) We don't want to kill the beneficial bugs that can help keep the pests under control.
So we are left with a few options as growers committed to organic practices. Insect netting, sprays that target pests and don't harm the good bugs, and my favorite method: providing habitat and food for the beneficial insects that are naturally present in our little ecosystem.
There are certain plants that are especially good at attracting beneficials. Bachelor Buttons and Sweet Allysum are two flowers that we interplant with our crops to help provide nectar and shelter for the good bugs. Pictured here is a hover fly on the bachelor button bloom. Their larvae eat aphids, mealy bugs, scale insects and thrips. I also see tons of lady bugs amongst the bachelor buttons. I love that these plants provide beauty to the farm as well!