Summer is finally over, yahoo!!!! With that drop in temperatures, the summer food is also pretty much over. Okra is completely done. Eggplant is on its way out. And after an abundant tomato year, the harvest is coming to an abrupt halt. Last week we had a good amount of red slicers, and to hold them over till the upcoming week we put them in the refrigerator. I figured having cold stored tomatoes for you this week would be better than no tomatoes. Because storing tomatoes in temperatures below 55 can cause their texture to be mealy, you may want to enjoy these cooked into a sauce. There will be a few more weeks of peppers.
This time of year we supplement what we grow with other locally grown products since our selection is limited as summer crops come out and we wait for some of the fall crops to mature. For this week its apples from Beech Creek Orchards in Talapoosa Ga. The red skinned is a variety called Crimson Crisp and the yellow is called Sun Crisp.
While not organic, these apples are minimally sprayed. Growing certain fruits like apples and peaches in the south is almost impossible without sacraficing a significant portion of the crop to pest or disease. Beech Creek Orchard is commited to using IPM, Integrated Pest Management, where scouting for pests is prioritized instead of using preventative sprays. We hope you enjoy these fall treats! Persimmons from Auburn, Al will be available in next few weeks too!