Looks like tomatoes are finally on the way in the coming weeks! About a month later than we planned because for an unknown reason they dropped ALL of their blooms for several weeks. We watched helplessly as the blooms withered and died on these beautiful plants that we had poured countless hours into planting, pruning, and trellising. Those blooms would have been muchas tomatoes right about now, so its a big time bummer that we are all missing out on those first fruits, but the good news is the plants now look GREAT and have lots of green fruit that will be ripening in a few weeks. Plus we just got our second succession in the ground so if all goes well (which with tomatoes sometimes it doesn't), we'll have maters for you through August.
We sent off a tissue sample to see if the plants were lacking nutrients but according to the lab results, everything was in the "sufficient" range. It seems for some reason they simply weren't getting pollinated which is super strange since we seem to have more pollinators than ever on the farm these days with all the cut flowers. So it goes with farming! Thanks for your patience as we navigate these challenges :)