Time to customize your basket!
Life here on the farm has taken several turns since last month. We're sure your lives have too. Below is a brief of what's been going on - we invite your stories. Do reach out by phone, we're finding this is a good time to connect more in the midst of the pandemic.
The Memorial Centre was turned into one of Kingston's Covid-19 test sites, so our farmers' market was displaced. Thanks to massive efforts by the market Board, with City and KFL&A Public Health support, the market has gone online. Place orders here: https://www.memorialcentrefarmersmarket.ca/online
The Province of Ontario declared farming an essential service but community gardens closed, leaving us - urban farmers who use municipal land - in a tight spot. The reasoning is unknown, though we suspect community gardens were simply lumped in with recreational facilities. So, we've been busy writing lobbying letters, developing a communications strategy, and creating protocols for community gardens to operate during Covid-19. The change needs to be made at the Provincial level. And, we've been seeking new land by following invitations made to us, in order to be prepared should we remain unable to work at the city site where we've built an educational urban farm for the past decade. Meanwhile, it's time to seed, and we had plans of starting early this year. So, we're adjusting our expectations and starting a lot of seedlings since direct seeding is limited.
Farm Stand members - welcome! We've added some Half shares for this month only to let you give it a try without having to get a whole share.
This delivery comprises wider variety than usual in April. With everything from fresh, to frozen to ferments to pick from, we hope you are as delighted as we are at being able to eat and cook from the farm at this time. This time when our immune systems need all the boosting they can get, and many are finding more time to cook.
We're here to help.
Be sure to customize your basket!