![Farm Happenings at Main Street Urban Farm](https://s3.amazonaws.com/harvie-uploads/uploads/images/farm/header_image/6215443747871153974503.jpg)
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Farm Happenings at Main Street Urban Farm
Bulk veggies: stock up now for the holidays!
It's our last farm share for the year and we want you well supplied for the holiday season. So, we've put lots in the extras for you to get in on the harvest and get on with the feasting. While you're browsing, you might consider giving the gift of veggies to someone. Get them now while we have loa1 read more »
Holiday Fare: get on the veggie train!
We grew loads of potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic and other storage vegetables so you'd have all you need to celebrate with food. You've been getting your weekly share, and now we're offering bulk amounts in the Extras to tide you over into the new year. Check the Extras, they'll be available this1 read more »