![Farm Happenings at Main Street Urban Farm](https://s3.amazonaws.com/harvie-uploads/uploads/images/farm/header_image/6215443747871153974503.jpg)
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Farm Happenings at Main Street Urban Farm
Garlic Happenings late October, 2021
SPECIAL NOTE: shares for Sunday Oct 31st may be labelled "Oct 28th" in your email or on the sticker. Please ignore, Sunday share recipients will pick up at the Barn on Sunday Oct 31st as usual.
It's garlic planting time and we are preparing the final beds of 17 we need ready. Some beds have a1 read more »
Weekly shares continue Nov-Dec as supplies last!
Weekly shares continue Nov-Dec as supplies last!
We're running the same as last year for urban farm food beyond October 2021. We'll continue weekly baskets until we sell out. It's possible we'll have enough to take you all the way to the end of the year. If you have Auto-renew on in your1 read more »
Tips, tricks and taste, mid-Oct 2021
Do you know how convenient the Harvie system is?
Would you take the time to share how great Harvie is with others? read more »
Farm food beyond October, 2021
We're running the same plan as last year for urban farm food beyond October, 2021. We'll continue weekly baskets until we sell out. It's possible we'll have enough to take you all the way to the end of the year. If you have Auto-renew on in your account, you won't need to do anything to keep gettin1 read more »