Last week was a busy one with the Ecological Farmers' Association of Ontario conference. We were especially intrigued by a session on agroforestry which taught us more about coppicing trees for use as tree-hay to feed animals, to create tools and useful items such as baskets, and to create hedgerows and more. If you haven't heard of it, or have and want to know more, look it up. There's a fascinating ancient history of humans working with trees to keep them growing once cut down, rather than terminating them as we often think of forestry doing.
This is our last share for the year, so we've made it a bumper one with lots of bulk items for you to add in so you're well-stocked for the holidays. All of our veggies store well at this time of year and can be held fresh in a cooler in your unheated garage or a similar spot if you lack fridge space. Thanks for bearing with us while we ran low on onions and carrots this season due to lower production of carrots and a crop failure in one field of onions. We have heaps of delicious potatoes, kohlrabi, cabbage and garlic, and now is the time for some cooking adventures over the holidays when you can experiment with the more time-consuming ones such as scalloped potatoes, grilled cabbage, kohlrabi curry, and roasted whole-head garlic for your charcuterie board. So, stock up and over-order so you have plenty for the season.
Get our ferments into your pantry now ready for quick meals, snacks and side-dishes over the holidays: Kimchi, Kkakdugi, Kraut, Sriracha, Horseradish. We also have sourdough and kombucha kits for you or for gifting.
Need a break from cooking? Order our okonomiyaki on Thursday and find dinner made!
We've got a new configuration planned for the CSA / veggie box in 2023 and look forward to sharing news of that with you soon.