Heat and veggies mix well in the pan or oven, but not so well in the bag or cooler. It's ice-pack and shade weather. So, whether you get delivery or pickup from one of our handy drop points, do leave ice-packs out and/or collect your share and get it into a cool fridge asap!
What's up on the farm this week isn't so pretty. There's 10000s of aphids turning our turnip patch and some of the napa cabbage to compost in the field. Wow! We've not seen them this verocoius to date. The upside is the ladybirds are breeding like there's no tomorrow, and working like mad to farm the aphids, which means we'll have so many more of those beneficial ladybirds to help out in the field. Sorry to say those beautiful salad turnips are (destroyed and) off the list for now.
In the beetroot and carrot patches it's simply slow growing stopping us from giving you more of those pink and orange beauties to feast on. They're coming...