It's been a fortnight of various challenges. In the midst of everything else going on around the world, we had multiple thunder storms and hail in the field last Saturday. Is this June? None of our crops were obliterated by the hail. But, it's due to the hail that your spinach is holey. Prior to that, there was a sudden heat up to the high twenties, followed by a night or two of cold temperatures. The heat caused brassicas to bolt, eliminating spring pac choi and cabbage. The cold destroyed basil. So, we've followed our best practices of keeping on seeding and planting and hoping we have abundant produce to keep you fed. However, please be patient as the range of content in your shares may be limited. We'll fill in with some Winter storage vegetables in the interim. Hint: try daikon radish in new ways: raw sliced and salted (leave sit a few minutes before eating), grated or zested in in salad or soup, simmered/baked in soy sauce, cubed to garnish thick soup or in a stew.
Your share is customizable! Learn how to adjust it to get what you want.
Pickup points (Please maintain physical distancing, wash hands, wear mask as needed, wash veg at your discretion.)
Thanks to everyone who prepared extra bags and containers to bring to pickup. Please do that again so we can continue. Your share will be loose in the Rubbermaid bin at pickup: bring bags to collect it in and leave bin behind.
Memorial Centre Farmers' Market - pickup is not currently available because market is currently online and not able to accommodate CSA shares. Unless you chose another pickup, your share will be at the Barn on Thursdays 4-6pm
Pig&Olive - your share will be loose in the Rubbermaid bin at pickup by 4pm: bring bags to collect it in and leave bin behind
Riverview - Please leave a Rubbermaid bin at pickup prior to Thursday at 5pm. We use these 37.9L Rubbermaid bins. The bin we've packed into will be there from 5pm onwards. (Don't know the address? text, e-mail or call Tim). Leave your reusable packaging in the bin. Rinse bin and repeat.
Barn - your share will be loose in the Rubbermaid bin at pickup by 4:30pm: bring bags to collect it in and leave bin behind. Wipe out bin and repeat. Leave your reusable packaging in the bin.
Bicycle Deliveries - if you need a specific delivery time please call text, e-mail or call Tim. We aim to deliver all shares between 4-7pm. Leave your reusable packaging in the place you've asked us to leave your share.
Plants & Customization
Last week's seeding was a paste tomato, this week we have an eggplant seedling in the mix. Don't want one to plant? Be sure to swap it out for another item before Weds 11:59pm. Your share is customizable! Learn how to adjust it to get what you want.
Happy Eating!