Heat and veggies mix well in the pan or oven, but not so well in the bag or cooler. It's ice-pack and shade weather. So, whether you get Bicycle delivery or pickup from one of our handy drop points, do leave ice-packs out and/or collect your share and get it into a cool fridge asap! If you forget, it'll be a stroke of good luck that the veggies survive.
We are sorry for the confusion regarding delivery locations and times during the pandemic. We've done our best to let you know by e-mail and in person where and when to expect your deliveries, but we know it's taken a little getting used to. Thanks for bearing with the changes. In particular, it has now been confirmed the Memorial Centre Farmers' Market is remaining online for the forseeable future (no outdoor location), so ALL "Memorial Centre Farmers' Market" pickups must be collected at the Barn (either Thur 4-6pm or Sunday 9-11am, whichever you chose).
In the field we're glad to see the appearance of the Two-spotted Stink Bug (Perilus Bioculatus). It preys on the Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) larvae, which pests are decimating 1 of our 3 potato patches. We've tried every solution known to peasant farmers who follow organic practices, and their population is in check to the degree that total defoliation (leaf destruction) has not occurred on more than a few plants. While we are willing to give up growing potatoes in an area if need be, Lepinotarsa decemlineata larvae also attack other nighshades, such as eggplant. Shielding all susceptible crops from pests complicates our rotation and increases workload.
Sorry about the holes in the sweet salad turnips, those cabbage fly maggots evaded us. Your turnips are still edible and tasty. Should the damage below the surface be extensive, contact us for replacement.
Reminder: Pickup times
Thursday pickups at Barn are 4-6pm
Sunday (formerly Memorial Centre Farmers' Market) are either Thur 4-6pm, or Sunday 9-11am at the Barn
Downtown Pig&O 4-5pm (limited shop hours, pickup next day if you miss it) & downtown deliveries
Riverview and Hwy 15 deliveries 5-6pm
West end (Portsmouth and west) deliveries 4-6pm
Some downtown and Kingscourt deliveries 6-7pm
Rideau Heights 6-7pm