The heat of summer has continued into August, which is helping dry the onions for storage and ripen the harvest which seems about 2 weeks late this year. We're grateful for the harvest now which brings you all the variety of veggies which are so pleasing to the eye, tastebuds and health. We're also really glad it rained, urging on the late potatoes and christening the plantings of Winter crops.
What do we do with all the Winter crops, and when are they harvested? The majority come out of the ground before the first hard frost. Items such as carrots and beets benefit from a sweetening frost, whereas potatoes and others can be ruined by one. Once they're all safely in storage with the garlic, and the 2021 garlic is under mulch and slowly developing over the Winter, we send out the storage vegetables in Winter shares. We are planning to change the format of Winter shares a little this year in terms of scheduling, and will let you know about that soon. But we are planning to have vegetables ready for you to feed yourself over the Winter 2020-21 and you'll be able to purchase shares here on Harvie.